X Men Baby Cartoons Super Hero Squad Wolverine


The Super Hero Team Show (2009-2011) is an animated idiot box series past Marvel Animation based on the Marvel Super Hero Squad activity figure line from Hasbro and a humorous accept on the Marvel Universe. The series' blitheness is produced by Pic Roman. While at first coming off as a ridiculous Disneyfication, especially since it began ambulation about two weeks after Disney announced it would buy Marvel (though this was in product manner before that and Disney had nil to do with information technology), it turns out to be more than of a serial full of jokes merely the older comic book fans will get. Taken similar this, it'southward surprisingly funny.

Prior to the start of the series, the villainous Doctor Doom, in pursuit of universal domination, attempts to acquire the limitless reality-angle power of the "Infinity Sword". He is stopped by Iron Human, only as a event of their battle, the sword is shattered into numerous "fractals" that rain downwards on Superhero Urban center.

As the series begins, Doctor Doom has forged alliances with but about every supervillain, forming the Lethal Legion in order to hunt down the scattered fractals, each of which possesses dangerous and different powers of their own. Doom'due south forces, including his two main henchmen M.O.D.O.K. and the Abomination, dwell in Villainville which is separated from Superhero City by a behemothic wall erected at the start of the series premiere. Once once more opposing Doom'due south plan is Fe Man, now leading the elite squad known as the Super Hero Squad, consisting of The Falcon, the Incredible Blob, Silver Surfer, The Mighty Thor, and Wolverine. The Super Hero Squad are headquartered in the Due south.H.I.E.Fifty.D. helicarrier, and are oft aided in their defence force of Super Hero City by their superhero friends, including their boss Helm America, rookie "Squaddie" Reptil, S.H.I.East.50.D. leader Ms. Marvel, and many more.

The second season starts after the Infinity Sword is reforged; it's taken by the Silver Surfer when he rejoins Galactus as his herald. The plot focuses on Thanos, who wants to complete the all-powerful Infinity Gauntlet to get supreme ruler of the universe. The Scarlet Witch takes the Silver Surfer's identify as the Squad travels across the universe to foil Thanos' plan.

Originally aired on Cartoon Network, being the last Marvel cartoon to practice so. After aired on The Hub. Currently on Disney+.

This series provides examples of:

  • 24-Hour Armor: In 1 episode where the team is awoken at night, nosotros come across that they all vesture their pajamas over their masks, costumes, and yes, armor. (Possibly justified, in that a very young audience could get confused past seeing them "out of compatible".)
    • In another episode, the team is visiting a construction site and habiliment hard-hats. Thor and Iron Man wear them on top of their own helmets!
  • Action Girl: Ms. Marvel and The Wasp are both women who do well in a fight.
  • Actor Allusion:
    • This exchange between Iron Man and War Motorcar:

      Iron Man: [to War Machine] Stop talking like you're on Reading Rainbow!

    • In "Also Many Wolverines", Egghead tries to cease Reptil with a can of Dinosaur Spray, only for it spit out whipped foam. This is a nod to Wayne Knight's role equally Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park, where he tried to smuggle dinosaur embryos in a can of shaving cream.
  • Actually a Doombot: Well, sure, you'd kind of expect robot double fakeouts to show up a lot in a prove where Doom is the villain...
  • Adam Westing: In "Whom Continuity Would Destroy", Adam West plays Nighthawk, who is treated as an Expy of Batman.
  • Adaptational Heroism:
    • While Songbird later did a Face–Heel Plough while as Songbird, in the comics, she started out a criminal; here, she'due south revealed to exist The Mole for Due south.H.I.E.L.D. and is hence a heroine from the start.
    • The Space Phantoms in the comics were minions of the villain Immortus, while the ones that appear in the episode "Revenge of the Baby-Sat!" are good. While the Squaddies initially attack them under the belief that the Infinite Phantoms are evil, they exercise not hesitate to cooperate with the Space Phantoms after learning that they are non evil.
  • Adaptational Modesty: Proper noun a female person character wearing a revealing costume and chances are it'due south been modified to cover them up more than in the toyline, the show, or other related media. This is basically done by calculation tights under a leotard and make them the same color (which is washed for Ms. Marvel and Storm).
  • Adaptational Dainty Guy: The Hulk is portrayed as friendly and more than laid back in contrast to the mindlessly destructive and perpetually angry brute he's normally portrayed as.
    • Abomination is nowhere about as Ax-Crazy as his comics counterpart.
  • Adapted Out: Spider-Human being and related characters never appeared on the evidence in spite of existence featured in the toyline because of rights issues involving Sony that still needed to be worked out.
  • Affectionate Parody: The show serves equally a lighthearted spoof of the unabridged Curiosity universe.
  • Air-Vent Passageway: The Impossible Man does this in "Missing: Impossible".
  • Almighty Janitor: Beta Ray Pecker, literally. Even before his toilet scrubber turns into the Stormbreaker.
  • An Ice Person: Iceman has ability over ice.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: In "Election of Evil", the Mayor alludes to someone gaining powers from existence bitten by a radioactive bug. In spite of witnessing such things equally evil sorcerers and shape-shifting aliens, Wolverine assumes that the Mayor is making stuff up.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: "You are under arrest for curfew violation, resisting a Sentinel, and conveying duct record without a proper license."
  • Artistic License – History: Lampshaded in the Curiosity 1602 episode.

    Scarlet Witch: I don't recall pirates ever attacked the Pilgrims. In fact, I don't think the pilgrims even landed until—

    1602!Mayor: What am I, a history major?

  • Creative License – Paleontology: As a dinosaur-themed shapeshifter, Reptil is the major offender. To protect himself, he grows "Stegosaurus armor". Stegosaurus' plates were thin and covered barely annihilation. And that doesn't fifty-fifty consider the time he grows stegosaurus plates on the bottom on his anxiety And so HE CAN SKATE. To wing, he grows "Pterodactyl wings". Pterodactyls were not dinosaurs, and their wings didn't expect similar bat wings (with multiple bony "fingers" going through the center). And then there'southward the time he morphed a hadrosaur's beak to utilise it as a shovel. Brilliantly, all of these examples occurred in the same episode.
  • Every bit You Know: The airplane pilot has the Squaddies briefly discuss the chief plot of gathering the fragments of the Infinity Sword, sometime after Iron Man and Dr. Doom's initial battle destroyed information technology.
  • Atrocious Alias: M.O.D.O.G. and Abomination waste no time in heckling new villain Paste Pot Pete's option of villain proper noun. Even when he decides to change his name to Trapster.
  • Badbutt: Wolverine, and every other anti-hero who guest stars in the show (e.k. the Punisher) is dialed down a bit to be more child-friendly.
  • Badly Battered Babysitter: Happens to Wolverine of all people, in "Revenge of the Baby Sat!" where Iron Human, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch are transformed into toddlers because of a time mishap.
  • Bad Futurity: Falcon and H.Due east.R.B.I.E. are sent to one in which the Superhero Squad never existed, Wanda became the villainous ruler of the earth, and Sentinels roam the streets.
  • Bad News, Irrelevant News: Done at the cease of "The Devil Dinosaur, You Say" equally the Mayor says he has good news and bad news. The heroes already know the bad news is the Nighttime Surfer is sending Earth out of orbit, further out until everybody freezes to death. The Mayor says the proficient news is, information technology'south a snowfall day, and and then he gets downwards and makes a snow angel.
  • Big Bad: Dr. Doom in the first season, Thanos in the 2nd. The theme song fifty-fifty changes to reverberate this between seasons. Nighttime Surfer takes role for remainder of Flavor 2.
  • Big Fancy Haunted House: Doctor Foreign'southward Sanctum Sanctorum.
  • Big Red Button: In that location's one in Iron Homo'southward room that ignites a fusion reaction that can end all life on world as we know it. So, naturally, Brynnie Bratton in Episode 6 pushes it anyway.
  • Bouncy Bruiser: Thor fills this office for the heroes.
  • Bookends: Season 1's arc starts, as shown in the intro, with the Infinity Sword existence shattered equally a consequence of Fe Human being and Doctor Doom fighting over information technology. In the Chiliad Finale, Earth is returned to normal when the Infinity Sword (this time with the Infinity Jewels) is shattered as a consequence of Iron Human and Doctor Doom fighting over it.
  • Bowdlerize: James Rhodes only goes by Rhodey while wearing the armor. He's never referred to as State of war Machine.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Episode 6 introduces us to Brynnie Bratton, who gives both sides a difficult fourth dimension over a fractal in a tiara she wears that her male parent gave her.
  • Breadstuff, Eggs, Breaded Eggs: Comes up in "Days, Nights, and Weekends of Future Past!"

    Falcon: I thought the future would exist flight cars, not vacuum cleaners with death blades.
    Magneto: You should see the flying cars with death blades.

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall:
    • Happens at least once per episode in the 2nd season. The Mayor of Super Hero city does this frequently.

      Stan Lee: If I was writing this episode, we'd all be a lot funnier.

    • Ms. Marvel berates Impossible Man for breaking the fourth wall for no skillful reason. He does it all throughout the episode that he shows up in, including revealing that he is the caput writer of the show.
    • After one graphic symbol makes a comment that breaks the fourth wall, other characters literally crash through a wall and Iron Man says "You know that's the quaternary wall we've broken today."
    • Taken Up to Eleven in the beginning of mother of doom where doom not so much breaks the fourth wall just blasts it to pieces.
    • In the series finale, the team repeatedly tells Atomic number 26 Homo that it's besides early on in the episode for his catchphrase.
  • Butt-Monkey: Being constantly subjected to humiliation seems to be M.O.D.O.K.'s function. On the good guys' side, we take the Falcon. And more so his pet, Redwing, who suffers Amusing Injuries constantly. (At one bespeak, he's sucked into the Helicarrier'southward rotors!)
  • Cain and Abel: Loki and Thor are brothers who don't get along well, seeing that the old is evil and the latter is proficient.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Thanos and Dark Surfer do this — Thanos likes to call his Reality Stone attacks "do-overs".
  • Helm Ersatz: Wolverine serves as this for Guardian when he takes the moniker of Captain Canada.
  • Captain Ethnic: Ruthlessly parodied in the class of the All Captains Squad, which includes established heroes Captain America and Captain Britain... besides as Captain Australia, a boomerang slinging hero, Captain Brazil, a senorita who tin trip the light fantastic toe a samba that causes sonic booms, and the diminutive but powerful (and economically prosperous!) Captain Lichtenstein. While Wolverine was a part of that team, he became known every bit Captain Canada.
  • Canon Foreigner: The Mayor of Super Hero Metropolis, Captain Australia, Captain Brazil, Captain Lichtenstein and Brynnie Bratton were all created for this evidence and never appeared in official Marvel comics.
  • Catechism Immigrant: Reptil was created for the testify, just was introduced in the original comics in a spinoff outcome of Avengers: The Initiative months earlier the show fifty-fifty premiered.
  • Cardboard Prison: Subverted. Every time Doom tries to escape prison house in season 2, he fails. He is finally freed by Molecule Man because he's a reality warper.
  • Casting Gag:
    • Adam West every bit the Batman expy Nighthawk, Susan Eisenberg equally the Wonder Adult female expy Power Princess, and Nina Dobrev as Werewolf by Night'southward girlfriend, who gets turned into a vampire.
    • Kevin Sorbo as Ka-Zar.
  • Catchphrase: "Hero upwards," and "No problems... adamantium skeleton." (The latter is given past yous-know-who in a pained or dazed fashion whenever he suffers Amusing Injuries... which is oft. He also says "Don't phone call me 'Wolvie'" often. Doom volition often exist heard yelling "Nuts!" after an Off Screen Crash. Lampshaded by himself as his own catchphrase at the end of the final episode.
  • Chewing the Scenery: Basically every scene with Dr. Doom in it. (Only goes to show that they understood the graphic symbol.)
  • Urban center of Adventure: Superhero City, occasionally crossing over the segregatory wall into Villainville
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: Doctor Strange when nether the effects of an Infinity Fractal. Non that he's all that focused normally...
  • Companion Cube: Mjölnir at times (it'due south an Empathic Weapon, just Thor has drawn a face on it).
  • Composite Character: Scorpio in the show is a disguise used by Nick Fury, which is kind of fitting as the two are brothers in the comics (and Nick has disguised himself as Scorpio in the past). Nick Fury himself could exist accounted a composite of his Ultimate and Archetype selves.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment:
    • In the intro for a second flavour episode, Dr Doom is seated on an electric chair, the photographic camera zooms in as we hear:

      Whatever terminal words, Doom?
      Do your worst...

    • Then information technology'southward revealed that that "worst" is an psychotherapy session with Helm America.
  • Burrow Gag: In the opening of every season 1 episode, Hulk is transformed into something else; including the original Jack Kirby drawing of Hulk, Joe Fixit, and... a baby. Sometimes doubles every bit a Shout-Out, such as Simpson-Hulk.
  • Counting to Potato: Blob demonstrates an odd way of counting in "The Concluding Battle! ('Nuff Said!)" while counting the Infinity Stones.

    Blob: One, seven, fish, ii thousand, negative three...

  • Covered in Kisses: The montage of M.O.D.O.K. and Ms. Curiosity being a couple in "Mental Organism Designed Just for Kisses" at one point has Grand.O.D.O.K. strolling happily with his face covered with lipstick markings.
  • Covered in Mud: Abomination, in response to being compared unfavorably to a dog, digs a huge pile of dirt and covers Reptil, Wolverine, and Thor in clay to the indicate just their eyes are showing.
  • Creator Cameo: Stan Lee voices the mayor of Superhero City.
  • Crossover Cosmology: Zeus and Odin are rivals.
  • Curse Cut Short: In "The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill!", the Stranger starts to call Thor a "piece of" something. When Thor starts to chide him for using inappropriate language, the Stranger starts insisting that he was going to say "piece of work".
  • Da Main: Ms. Curiosity and Captain America. Both of whom answer but to Nick Fury.
  • Defeat by Modesty: Fin Fang Foom flies away afterward losing his pants while fighting Galactus in "This Al Dente Earth".
  • Demoted to Extra: Reptil has a much smaller role in season two.
  • Denser and Wackier: The entire bear witness is a Super-Plain-featured and slapstick-filled form of the Marvel universe.
  • Did Not See That Coming: Doctor Doom, word for word, in the Black Widow episode when Helm America reveals his own double agent. Screaming Mimi is actually Songbird. Also Loki when Enchantress orders Odin to destroy both his sons.
  • The Ditz:
    • Permit's merely say Silver Surfer is at present... well. His proper name is rather appropriate.

      Surfer: That is soooo cosmic.

    • Thor tends to fill up this office sometimes.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Reptil. Since his shapeshifting powers would either destroy his shoes or render his dinosaur feet pointless (if they were of the Magic Pants multifariousness), it makes sense. When he surrenders the fractal that grants him his powers, he bemoans "Now I'chiliad merely some shoeless guy."
  • Exercise Not Taunt Cthulhu: Fe Man gets the bright thought to brand fun of Galactus'due south appearance. For his problem, he's sent flying solar systems away into Thanos's windshield.
  • Dumb Is Good: Blob chooses to invoke this trope when his Infinity Fractal-induced luminescence in "Blob Talk Smack!" makes him an ineffective know it all who can't fifty-fifty fight properly.
  • Embarrassing Former Photo: At the end of "Mother of Doom", Medico Doom's mother gets back at her son by posting embarrassing pictures of him on Maskbook, which are not visible to the audition.
  • Embarrassing Slide: In "The Carol of Beta Ray Bill", Neb uses a Viewmaster to bear witness Thor the history of his people. However, one of the slides shows Bill on holiday, riding a surfboard in a Hawaiian shirt.
  • Enemy Mine: Occasionally, the heroes would team upwards with the villains against a common threat.
    • The Team teams upwards with Chthon in "Mother of Doom" to help him get his powers dorsum from Doc Doom.
    • All the heroes and villains bring together forces in "This Al Dente Earth" in society to finish Galactus.
  • Eviler Than Thou: This happens to Doom when Dormammu comes to town.
  • Face–Heel Turn: The Argent Surfer, after being corrupted by the Infinity Sword.
  • Flight, Forcefulness, Heart: Doctor Strange'south mystical abilities include "levitation, travel to other dimensions, transformation of matter, Bulgarian cow-tipping... and he'southward smashing at Sudoku."
  • Foreshadowing: In "Mysterious Mayhem at Mutant High", Reptil laughs off the divining rod that Ringmaster was using to locate fractals and tosses it in the trash. Every bit he and Wolverine are flying abroad, the rod begins to shake and twitch violently and indicate towards Reptil in the sky, and the rock he wears effectually his neck begins to react likewise in a subtle style. There had been many subtler hints. Reptil is the only one not depowered past Brynnie Bratton's fractal powered tiara and when he and Wolverine golf with M.O.D.O.K. and Abomination he picks upwardly a fractal and he is unaffected but Abomination is.
  • Fountain of Youth: "Revenge of the Babe-Sat!" had Iron Man, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch turned into toddlers. By the end of the episode, this fate befalls Doctor Doom after Atomic number 26 Homo, Falcon, and Scarlet Witch are restored to their truthful ages.
  • Four-Fingered Hands: Made more obvious by the fact that the Infinity Gauntlet has all six gems placed on the back of the manus when, traditionally, each gem is placed on the knuckle of each finger with 1 more on the back of the palm.
  • From Bad to Worse:
    • It was bad plenty that Thanos got the Infinity Gauntlet with all vi Infinity Gems. But when Face up–Heel Plow Silver Surfer defeats Thanos and takes the gauntlet, he seizes the moment by destroying the Helicarrier v.2 and banishing the Super Hero Squad to another dimension of Fourth dimension, Infinite and Reality.
    • When the Mayor tried to reason with the Dark Surfer, he threw the Earth out of its orbit, nearly destroying its temper from that lonely, and slowly sending information technology further and further away from the sun.
  • Future Badass: In an alternating time to come at to the lowest degree, Reptil. Since the Squad itself (and presumably, the individual Squaddies) never existed in this timeline, he stands as the merely identified superhero and singlehandedly takes on the Scarlet Empress and her regular army of Sentinels.
  • Good Is Old-Fashioned: Taken to hilarious lengths with Captain America, who reminisces and asks everyone if they remember them edifice a dam... during the Depression. Also, he's not accepting President Roosevelt's calls. And multiple stories about "The War"; "During the war..." is almost a catchphrase for him.
  • Gotta Catch 'Em All: The first flavour seems to deal with gathering pieces of an all powerful sword. The Infinity Gems in the second season.
  • Chiliad Finale: "The Final Battle! ('Nuff Said!)", where the Squaddies finally stop the Dark Surfer and disengage all the damage he'south caused to the universe using the Infinity Sword and the Infinity Gauntlet.
  • Yard Theft Me: Baron Mordo possesses Atomic number 26 Man's armor, anyhow.
  • Grievous Damage with a Body: The Impossible Homo and Night Surfer end up throwing Skrulls at each other in "Missing: Incommunicable".
  • Pilus-Trigger Temper: They don't phone call Ms. Marvel "Ms. Crankypants" for nothing.
  • Heh Heh, You Said "X":

    Beta Ray Nib: I was genetically enhanced to exist a janitor, in order to have intendance of the Spacestation Scuttlebutt.

  • Heroes Want Redheads: When Black Widow (who is Mystique in disguise) briefly joins the team. Except Wolverine. He stays away from dating superheroes and villains alike (and backup dancers), which is the exact reverse of his portrayal in the comics.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: In "Double Negation At The World'due south Cease!", Wolverine sets a trap string at the doorway to blast Annihilus. Somehow Annihilus got in the room from a different direction, and Wolverine ends up running around in a style that causes him to exist blasted by his own trap.
  • Hypocritical Sense of humour:
    • In "This Forest Light-green", the Abomination makes fun of Egghead for existence baldheaded, just for Doom to point out to him that he doesn't accept hair either.
    • Iron Human being mocks Doom for wearing a metal suit in "The Ice Cook Cometh", but stops himself when he remembers that he wears Powered Armor himself.
  • Impossible Shadow Puppets: In "The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill", Thor, stranded on the far side of the galaxy, decides to exercise his shadow puppetry. He starts with a rabbit ("Fluffy"), a detailed wolf ("Fenrir") and concludes with an incommunicable dragon ("Fáfnir"). Having mastered shadow puppetry in seven seconds Thor and then goes mad with boredom.
  • I'yard Standing Correct Here: Nearly said give-and-take for word in "Another Order of Evil". The ending of the ii-part episode has Yard.O.D.O.K. insult Doom, who has become cellmates with Thousand.O.D.O.K. and the Anathema by the stop of the story and indignantly exclaims "I'thousand sitting correct here!"
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: The show doesn't skimp on them.

    M.O.D.O.K.: What are the Super Hero Squad doing at the water and ability building?
    Anathema: Paying their superpower bill?
    M.O.D.O.K.: [flailing uselessly] Want to hit y'all... simply arms... too short!

  • Infinity +1 Sword: The Infinity Sword.
  • Insufferable Genius: Flatman, but more "insufferable" than "genius", as he believes not simply that global warming flat-out doesn't exist, but also that the Earth is flat.
  • I Want Grandkids: In "Female parent of Doom", Doctor Doom'southward mother at one signal remarks that her son neglected to requite her grandchildren.
  • I Want My Mommy!: In "The Ice Melt Cometh", Pyro comedically cries "Mommy" when he sees that he'due south most exist struck by lightning from Thor.
  • Kaiju: Mole Man uses giant monsters as part of his modus operandi.
  • Large Ham: Doom, naturally, is a scenery-chewing ham. And Thor. Ms. Marvel had her moments as well.
  • Lethal Chef: Silver Surfer's cooking tends to be disgusting slop that the other Squaddies don't want to eat.
  • Let'due south Fight Like Gentlemen: Wolverine and Reptil face off once more One thousand.O.D.O.K and Anathema in a full game of golf to decide who gets command of a fractal. The villains lose and then subvert the trope by trying to take it by force. However, they seem to exist ashamed of themselves since they decided to lie about it.
  • Lighter and Softer: The serial is definitely more comedic than most Marvel Comics adaptations.
  • Express Blitheness: Although the animation is generally of practiced quality, there are frequently times where a graphic symbol conspicuously repeats an activeness (like firing an energy smash or pushing a button) repeatedly. There are too scenes of characters merely staring at zero, or even scenes being rewinded.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: Quite a lot of Marvel characters, both well-known and obscure, show up in this series.
  • Made of Iron: Wolverine can recover from injuries easily considering of his adamantium skeleton.
  • Medium Awareness:
    • Ane episode features Dr. Doom and Magneto joining forces to obtain fractals, and end upwardly accusing each other of stealing the entire pot. They had Falcon supposedly imprisoned, just he suddenly appears out of nowhere and snatches the remaining fractal in forepart of them.

      Magneto: I did not steal your fractals!
      Falcon: Actually, it was me. Wish I could tell you well-nigh it, but... read the message boards.

    • Again in "Days, Nights and Weekends of Future By":

      Cerise Witch: What exercise they write about me on your message boards?
      Falcon: Uhh... nothing but positive things.
      Ruby-red Witch: Liar! No i EVER writes positive things on message boards!

  • Heed-Control Optics: Happens occasionally with Ringmaster'due south hypnotized victims.
  • Monster Mash: "This Human-Matter, This Monster!" featured a team called the Supernatural Hero Squad, whose members included Werewolf Past Night and the institute monster Human-Thing, and had Dracula as the episode's villain.
  • Mythology Gag: The entire show is stuffed total of them.
    • Thor beingness turned into Throg, Frog of Thunder in the episode introducing Dormammu.
    • "Tales Of Suspense" equally an episode championship, with an A-Plot focusing on Iron Human.
    • "So that is what happens when a toad is hit by lightning. What a letdown."
    • The title cards are a homage to the Marvel covers of the 1960's and 70'south. In particular, the first episode, featuring the Mole Man, has one that pays homage to the famous first encompass to Fantastic Four, with the featured superheroes standing in for the members of the Fantastic Four.
    • Captain America, talking on the phone about a reenactment of Gettysburg he's attending: "Relax, Brubaker! It's just a Civil War, what could go wrong?" It's also a nod to Ed Brubaker, long-time writer of Captain America.
    • A special 1 that doubles as a Shout-Out is during a trip to the Negative Zone when Fe Man sees a vision of himself as he looks on The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!. His response:

      Iron Man: Such foreign apparitions!

    • Call up that photographer that snapped a shot of the Squad during the first season finale? That's Phil Sheldon, from Marvels making his start appearance outside the comics.
    • Simply as in the comics, Screaming Mimi turns out to be Songbird, although in this instance she's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and mole in Doom'south operation.
    • Thanos punishing Nebula is straight out of Infinity Gauntlet, except there, he withered her into a living corpse (which they couldn't exercise on a kids' testify).
    • invoked In "Oh, Brother!", Wolverine gets turned into an bodily wolverine. The original idea in the comics was that Wolverine was an actual wolverine that was mutated into a human.
    • In the Team'due south fight with the Skrulls in "If This Be My Thanos!", in a seemingly absurd effort to get past the heroes' defenses, 3 of those aliens disguise themselves as cows. Definitely a gag at what happened to the Skrulls on their first appearance in the Fantastic Four when Mr. Fantastic hypnotized the iv Skrulls into cows. And possibly a hint, equally done in the The Kree/Skrull War, that there is one detail Skrull missing and is disguised every bit someone, peculiarly a meaning guest star, which in this instance is "Thanos".
    • In a flashback that'due south obviously in this universe's equivalent of The '80s in "Mental Organism Designed Just for Kisses", Thor has his own rock ring, and his attire is reminiscent that of Dargo Ktor (the guy in the futurity who possessed the ability of Thor introduced in The '80s).
    • In "Too Many Wolverines!", 1 of said clones is none other than Ten-23 in a Wolverine outfit, manicuring her claws. Which doubles as Hilarious in Hindsight.
      • Some other one has an Australian accent, like the graphic symbol did in Spider-Human and His Amazing Friends and the Pryde of the X-Men animated pilot.
      • Some other Aussie Wolverine is shown loving to sing and dance, presumably as a nod to Wolvie histrion Hugh Jackman and his musical background.
    • In "The Ice Cook Cometh", Captain America finds the Hulk frozen in ice at one bespeak and states that he's "been at that place", alluding to how Helm America ended up frozen in a block of water ice during Earth War Ii and concluded up thawed out in modern times.
  • The Napoleon: Captain Lichtenstein. Tiny, but economically prosperous!
  • Never Say "Dice":
    • Parodied/played with:

      Grey Blob: Ah, M.O.D.O.K. The Mental Organism Designed Only for Kick-ball.
      K.O.D.O.1000.: Yeah, it—Hey! That'southward not what it stands for!

    • Played straight when he once says the "K" stands for "Kick-barrel".
    • In "Mental Organism Designed Only for Kisses!" when Ms. Marvel falls in love with M.O.D.O.K. (cheers to Amora of form) Hawkeye tells Iron Man that they cannot gamble Ms. Marvel siding with the villains, since she knows all of the Squad'southward secrets. So he tells Iron Man that she must exist... destroyed.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: Flatman purposely calls Ben Stein to heed.
  • Non Sequitur, *Thud*: Thor gets 1 of these in episode 8:

    Thor: Of form, father Odin! What small child would non prefer a hammer to a new bicycle? Ooooooh, rainbow...

  • "Not Wearing Pants" Dream: In "Blind Rage Knows No Color", the Blob'due south nightmare at one point has everyone express joy at him for existence in his underwear.
  • Evidently Evil: Chthon. Doom. Dormammu. Most of the villains, really.
  • The Only Ones: The Squaddies have to take care of everything. Even those who take some sense that a big event is going downward, such as Doctor Strange, wait until our heroes accept come to them before offer to help.
  • Oh, No... Non Again!: Doom'southward reaction to the Infinity Sword breaking into fractals in the last episode.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: In "Days, Nights, and Weekends of Future By!", H.Eastward.R.B.I.Due east. disguises himself as a Lookout man and manages to deceive other Sentinels in spite of the disguise only beingness a cardboard mask that's crudely drawn.
  • Previously on…: The final episode starts with a parody of this, full of moments that never happened.
  • Rapid Aging: In "Revenge of the Baby-Sat!", Md Doom causes Thor and Ms. Curiosity to become elderly later on becoming master of time.
  • Recurring Extra: A bratty little girl appropriately named Brynnie Bratton appears several times and is usually pouting because whatever she was doing is interrupted by the heroes and villains fighting. She eventually gets A Twenty-four hour period in the Limelight in the sixth episode, where her dad gives her a tiara (with a fractal in it) as a gift, and she causes issues for both sides.
  • Correct Backside Me: "A Deviling Walks Amid Usa" has M.O.D.O.K. get in problem when he makes fun of Physician Doom and realizes too late that Doom had been listening to his mockery all along.
  • Scooby-Dooby Doors: During the chase scene in "Mortiferous is the Black Widow's Bite!"
  • Sealed Evil in a Tin can: Literally. Doctor Strange has Businesswoman Mordo sealed in a tin can of soda. It left him very gassy when released.
  • She'southward All Grown Upwards: Valkyrie. The last time Thor saw her was in loftier schoolhouse.

    Thor: She'due south filled out nicely.

  • Shapeshifter Swansong: Invoked when Black Widow is revealed to be Mystique, and a blow to the head from Mjölnir causes her to shift into mishmashes of several Curiosity characters - in a manner reminiscent of the Blob fractal Couch Gag.

    K.O.D.O.M.: "My head isn't THAT big!!" annotation Note that he says this when Mystique becomes a Grand.O.D.O.K. with Hulk legs, which make the head look proportionally smaller.

  • Shout-Out:
    • In "Mental Organism Designed Only for Kisses", SpongeBob SquarePants' iconic laughter tin can be heard when Hulk is aqueduct surfing. Seeing as how Tom Kenny is the lead in the show, this isn't quite surprising. What is surprising though is that Nickelodeon is a rival channel to Cartoon Network.
    • In "Election of Evil", the Mayor references Spider-Man, the most major of missing Marvel characters, quite a lot. For starters, he tries to get superpowers by "getting bitten by a radioactive bug", and his campaign motto is "With great responsibility comes great ability... and vice-versa."
    • Reptil's favourite cheese is Queso da Joe ("It'south super-cheesy!")
    • M.O.D.O.K: "Always since Duke Quesada got out of prison, he only hasn't been the aforementioned."
    • In "Soul Stone Picnic" there's a reference to the vocal "MacArthur Park" when Ms. Curiosity says the Dark Surfer used the reality rock to turn the Kree empire into a block and left information technology out in the pelting. Blob even adds, "Simply it took so long to bake it. Oh no!"
    • Likewise in "Soul Stone Panic", Thanos announces he's thinking virtually raising chicken and keeps talking about the different types in a way similar to Bubba describing shrimp in "Forrest Gump".
    • In "Missing: Impossible", Impossible Man alone makes impressions of Groucho Marx, Pee-Wee Herman, and Rod Sterling hosting "The Twilight Zone", non to mention he turned the helicarrier confronting the Squad in the style of "2001: A Infinite Odyssey".
    • In "Tales of Suspense" Doctor Doom gets a friend asking from Magneto and Titanium Homo. This is the proper name of a Paul McCartney vocal from the Wings era.
    • The Husky Russkie Cherry-red Dynamo says to Rhodey that he "am interruption you at present."
    • In "The Ballard of Beta Ray Pecker", the Stranger calls Beta Ray Bill "[his] piddling pony".
    • In "Deadly is the Black Widow'south Seize with teeth!", Fe Man asks Black Widow notation (Mystique) if she can say "Moose and Squirrel". She refuses.
    • In "The Final Boxing, 'Nuff Said!", the Squaddies warp to the terminate of the Universe. Ruby-red Witch was hoping there'd at least be a eatery there.
      • I scene shows Saturn in the World's sky like the ending of The Quiet Earth.
  • Shown Their Work: Every bit evidenced past the huge amounts of in-jokes and Mythology Gags the show uses. I example that stands out is in "Enter: Dormammu", in which the Blob is the only squaddie to notice Dr. Strange's astral form, as a gag. It's not ane of the Hulk's ameliorate known powers.
  • Sizeshifter: The Wasp has the power to both shrink and grow.
  • Spiritual Successor: The whole franchise is most probable to have been—at least partially—inspired by Mini Marvels. With that said, how much of a "successor" the series may be is debatable since Mini Marvels is still ongoing. Plus, Chris Giarrusso'southward style and approach are dissimilar, in that he depicts the heroes and villains (near of them, anyway) as kids rather than but Super-Deformed grown-ups.
  • The Starscream: M.O.D.O.K., both of which have at present been voiced by the same man.
    • Granted, he only tries to overthrow Doom once. In every other episode, he's Doom's loyal Barrel-Monkey.
    • The Face–Heel Turn Argent Surfer towards Thanos. Not only does he play a trick on Thanos into giving him the Infinity Gauntlet, merely he fifty-fifty banishes him into the Soul Gem.
  • Stock Footage:
    • If the hour-long airplane pilot is a adept indication, at to the lowest degree once per episode stock blitheness of the core characters posing with attitude while the theme song plays volition exist utilized. Ka-Zar manages to RUN AWAY during the footage.

      Falcon: He moved fast in only ten seconds.

    • "Mysterious Mayhem At Mutant High" does information technology with Reptil. Only Reptil.
  • Strapped to a Bomb: There'south an episode where the Ruby-red Witch is sent back in time to Earth War II, caught by the Cherry-red Skull and then tied to a rocket, but is then saved by Captain America and the Invaders (Bucky, the Jim Hammond Human Torch, and Toro).
  • Super-Deformed: Basically, the art way of the bear witness.
  • Superheroes Wear Tights: It'south a general rule of the toyline, the show and the games: if a heroine's uniform exposes the midriff or the tights on the comics, those parts will be covered (Storm also wears leggings, and in the MMOG, Tigra wears a one-piece swimsuit rather than the comics' bikini). It's kids merchandise, after all.
  • Take That!:
    • In "Tales of Suspense", Atomic number 26 Man at ane point makes a remark about his incredulity that The Family Circus is withal in the newspaper.
    • Flatman's resistance to global warming is probable a subtle ane towards people'due south dismissal of said theories.
    • Thor'southward theories explaining how Mjölnir could plough Beta Ray Bill's toilet scrubber into a mystical hammer in "The Ballard of Beta Ray Bill". "Or peradventure it's sloppy continuity."
    • "Whom Continuity Would Destroy" comes off every bit a not-and so-subtle jab toward DC Comics' superheroes, as it has Iron Man, the Hulk, and Scarlet Witch fight the Squadrom Supreme (Hyperion, Nighthawk, and Power Princess), who are treated as an Alternating Company Equivalent of the Justice League (with Hyperion equally the Superman equivalent, Nighthawk as a stand up-in for Batman, and Power Princess lampooning Wonder Adult female's invisible jet past having an arsenal of invisible weapons and vehicles). The Super Hero Team trounce the Squadron Supreme effortlessly and continue dissing them afterward their victory.
  • Title Driblet: The episode "Mental Organism Designed Just for Kisses" at i point has M.O.D.O.K. refer to himself equally the episode'due south title.
  • Toilet Sense of humour:
    • At to the lowest degree in the pilot. Not even Doom is exempt.

      Falcon: Redwing, take intendance of that gem on his forehead!

    • Information technology also appeared in "From the Atom... It Rises", where the Mole Man grosses out the Squad with his farts and does the aforementioned with the other villains at the end of the episode.
    • In "This Silver, This Surfer", Human Torch and Silver Surfer destroy part of the Baxter Building. Cue a shot of Matter sitting on the toilet reading a newspaper only to have the bathroom crumble effectually him.
    • In "Fate of Destiny!", when Iron Man summons the squaddies it's probable Thor'south on the... er... "throne of Asgard" when the alarm sounds. They don't show anything, simply he is sitting down reading a magazine, and he lets out a barely audible grunt before leaving.
  • Preparation Montage: Doom gets i, including Rocky'due south sweater. His teddy behave (also with Doom armor) stands in for the trainer.
  • Transformation Is a Gratuitous Activeness: Averted for comedy'southward sake. Dark Surfer interrupts the Hero Upward sequence by messing with reality and destroying the show'south logo in the background. Ka-Zar manages to RUN AWAY during the Hero Up sequence.
  • Trojan Prisoner: In "Days, Nights, and Weekends of Future Past!", H.E.R.B.I.E. sneaks Falcon and Magneto into prison by pretending to exist a Sentinel and marching them upwards to the doors of the prison.
  • Tsundere: Ms. Marvel with... well, everybody.
  • The Unfavorite: Loki is rather enlightened of where he stands in his begetter'due south favor.

    Oh certain! Father Odin always liked you best!

  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: Between Iron Man and Ms. Marvel.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Prove: While in full general a Lighter and Softer version of the Marvel Universe, The Scarlet King in the Planet Hulk episode is played as a surprisingly directly-up monster until his Humiliation Conga.
  • Villainous Badland, Heroic Arcadia: The show takes place in the bustling and pristine metropolis of Superhero City. Separated past a wall is their close neighbor Villainville. The air pollution stays strictly in Villainville, and the grass doesn't abound in that location.
  • Visual Pun: At one point in "Enter Dormammu", Doctor Strange's fractal-corrupted magic turns the heroes into various other things. Wasp becomes an insect, while Iron Man becomes a clothing iron and and so a golfing fe.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The first season starts off by indicating that the S.H.I.E.50.D. Helicarrier is the habitation of other members of the Avengers such every bit Hawkeye and Wasp. Afterward getting a decent amount of focus for a couple episodes, they're never seen or heard from over again.
  • Why We Can't Have Squeamish Things: Atomic number 26 Homo says this after the Infinity Sword breaks into fractals again because of his fight with Doom in the final episode.
  • Wicked Stepmother: Enchantress cast a spell on Odin to make her marry him so she'd get Queen of Asgard. With this, she became Stepmother of Thor and Loki. Unfortunately for her, because of a dominion Loki invoked in an attempt to have the throne for himself, since she's a "peasant", Odin technically abdicated by marrying her. Loki even went equally far equally casting a spell to prevent Enchantress from breaking hers. However, earlier Loki managed to dethrone Thor, Enchantress decided she could utilise Odin to take over past force since he'southward the almost powerful Asgardian. Fortunately Odin broke both spells.
  • Wipe That Smile Off Your Face: Nebula has her mouth removed from her face up by Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet.

    Nebula: MMMRNN!
    Thanos: Ooh, that is a good look for y'all!

  • Witch Hunt: Cherry Witch is subjected to one by the founding citizens of Super Hero Metropolis in the twelvemonth 1602, despite the fact that she had but shown skillful intentions and helped defend the city against the dreaded pirate Captain Doom upward until that point. The Mayor reasoned that even though everyone likes her on an private level, she is still guilty of being a witch.
  • Wolverine Publicity: Averted, in that he doesn't pig screentime, simply lampshaded and spoofed with the Trope Namer. When Wolverine finds himself unexpectedly solitary with H.E.R.B.I.E. and forced to take on a threat, he sighs and pulls out his "Wolverine Team-Upwards" checklist; he's been on iii teams in-series (the Superhero Squad, the X-Men, and the All-Captain Squad as Captain Canada); and when Superhero Metropolis is flooded with Wolverine clones in one episode, Thor muses that it would explicate how he's able to appear in so many comic books.
  • Wouldn't Hitting a Girl: Dr. Doom's mother attacks Hulk with her "sonic nag", to which Blob responds that he doesn't fight girls. When she pours it on, he gets pissed and responds with his own sonic roar, properly causing a building to fall on top of her.
  • Writing Around Trademarks: The series couldn't use Spider-Human because of rights issues with Sony, but they manage to get abroad with two vague references to the hero in "Ballot of Evil", where the Mayor of Superhero City at i point mentions knowing of a hero who gained powers from being bitten by a radioactive problems and at the end of the episode states "With slap-up responsibility comes great power....and, uh, vice versa."
  • Y'all Have GOT to Exist Kidding Me!: Doom's reaction to seeing the Infinity Sword break into fractals again in the last episode.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WesternAnimation/TheSuperheroSquadShow

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